The Pantry

Home Canning Supplies- Must-Haves for the New Canner

canning suppliesFor those of you who are just getting started with canning, you will need to make sure you have the basic home canning supplies on-hand.

  1. Canning Utensil Set– usually under $12
  2. Granite Ware Water-Bath Canner with Rack $20 or less
  3. Canning Jars normally around $10 for 12
  4. Pressure Canner from $50-$250 depending on brand

That’s it! You can easily get started with canning as soon as your garden ripens or the local farmers market opens.

Ok, most canners actually can food all year long. Read More »Home Canning Supplies- Must-Haves for the New Canner

Kitchen Hack- Filling Ziploc Baggies

This neat kitchen hack will change the way you fill ziploc baggies forever!

For those of you who have a fully stocked kitchen for canning, you will already have the cool tool you need, no need to spend any more money to be able to do this kitchen hack.

So what is this neat tool? It’s a jar lifter, used to lift canning jars in and out of the canner. Here is what a jar lifter looks like:

So how can this canning tool help me to fill ziploc baggies?Read More »Kitchen Hack- Filling Ziploc Baggies